About the project
On the initiation of the Ministry of Human Capacities, in the framework of Széchenyi 2020, using a HUF 2 billion allocation the priority development of museums and libraries is taking place through 36 months assisted with non-formal and informal learning opportunities with the aim of alleviating socio-cultural disadvantages and increasing access to culture.
The project consisting of museum and library components is implemented in consortium cooperation with the Hungarian Open Air Museum and the Metropolitan Szabó Ervin Library.
The professional implementers of the project Museum and library development for everyone are committed to create opportunities for increasing the role of equal opportunities, inclusion of disadvantaged social groups and equal access to cultural goods.
Developer of the project (consortium leader):
Museum Education and Methodology Centre (MOKK) – Hungarian Open Air Museum (SZNM)
Consortium member:
Metropolitan Szabó Ervin Library
Project aim:
The aim of the project is to prepare museum and library professionals for responding to new socio-economic challenges by focusing on young generations of the society. In order that the development activities are carried out in a most effective way, they are focused on public education, its institutions, teachers and sensitising trainee teachers.
The overall aim of the methodology development of the museum and library sphere is that cultural institutions providing non-formal and informal education can contribute to strengthening public education’s role in creating equal opportunities and compensating disadvantages, and to ensuring access to quality education for everyone, and to promoting reintegrating into education. By achieving these aims the number of early school leavers is expected to decrease.
Within the priority aim of the project, it is also a stated as a goal that the knowledge base preserved in museums and libraries should be used by modernised public education in an adequate way as often as possible, and parallel with this museums and libraries should be keeping up with the modernisation of public education and different technological innovations. By using educational technologies, museums and libraries should support the development of digital competences of students and teachers, and by this the mixed application of formal, non-formal and informal learning should be acknowledged.
The project is justified by the Europa 2020 strategy and adjusting to the EU educational policy and to the dominant paradigm of lifelong learning. Therefore, methodological development of museum and library institutions and their professionals became necessary so that they can meaningfully respond to the challenges of new socio-economic challenges. The professionals through collaborating with public education and through sensitising trainee teachers have to become capable of inspiring development of basic skills and motivation needed for learning.
Target groups of the priority project:
- museum and library professionals who must be trained for planning and implementing supportive cultural activities providing modern non-formal and informal learning, and also for collaborating with the members of public education
- teachers and trainee teachers, whose knowledge and competencies must be expanded, so that they can include museum and library services in their curriculum, and by their sensitisation they can consciously turn to cultural institutions’ opportunities of supporting learning
- pupils and preschool children of primary and secondary education
Professional implementation of the project
The elements of the project:
- museum sector (implementer: Hungarian Open Air Museum)
- 4 research topics and adjoining methodology development
- developing and running a network of 41 coordinators
- developing and implementing 20 sample projects in 16 themes
- developing and implementing 10 accredited professional training courses for museum professionals and teachers
- professional monitoring, and research and development activities
- creating a solid base for museum quality management
- communication and dissemination activities
- library sector (implementer: Metropolitan Szabó Ervin Library)
- making the nationwide library system capable of providing services which support competency developing learning with the aim of a more effective public education
- developing and running a nationwide network of 40 consultants
- developing and implementing methodology and sample programme packages
- developing and running 4 accredited training courses
- communication and dissemination activities
Through the project the consortium partners will:
- contribute to improving opportunity-creating abilities of public education, to increasing qualification levels, to reducing the rate of early school leavers
- continue and strengthen the shift in mindset started as a result of the previous European Union support term
- create opportunities for regular further professional training of library and museum professionals
- strengthen the role of the library and the museum in non-formal and informal learning and in lifelong learning
Horizontal activities: horizontal requirements, compliance with environmental and equal opportunities requirements regarding the project
Information, publicity: providing mandatory information and publicity activities
Budget of the project:
gross HUF 2 billion
Project schedule:
Project implementation phase starts: 01.02.2017
Scheduled completion of physical implementation of project: 31.01.2020
Expected results of the project:
- 250 teachers participating in training, retraining
- 831 professionals in human public services participating in training programmes
- 7 730 children and students participating in supported programmes
110 sample projects, 363 professional and dissemination events, 14 accredited training courses, 280 cooperating institutions, 39 methodology publications
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Equal opportunities:
The professional implementers of the Museum and library development for everyone project are committed to increasing the level of equal opportunities, the inclusion of disadvantaged groups, creating equal access to opportunities for cultural goods.