Utilization of Trainings
Any training can reach its goal if it is able to deliver knowledge that students can apply in practice later. This short selection shows how the participant utilized the Museum of Education and Training Center's accredited trainings.
Exhibition planning from A to Z: from concept to creation in the public service of education (KRK 120) Educational utilization:
- implemented as part of the training exam work exhibition was the Szentendre Open Air Museum Let the stove! the title of the workshop secrets here.
The KRK 120 training learned has been utilized, for example:
- the Women, carpet, cottage industries by, held in the Museum of Ethnography in the implementation of temporary exhibitions, in which our students, Dr. Vamos, chief curator Zsuzsa Lovay and exhibition manager also contributed.
- the "tailor Szentendre - Szentendre the Kádár-era" for a local history exhibition, which was designed by the project by one of the exhibition student curators, Sava Barbara
Museum communication service of education causes (MKO 60) training projects implemented a small selection of our taste and our report. It is well worth a visit.
Just a few examples of the utilization of training:
- "You shall love your family, love Quarries" entitled Museum Education Award Laureate, identity is strengthened by seven local history topic communications plans
- Dunaújváros Intercisa Museum visuals price projektkommunikáció- and marketing plan
Networking and co-organized learning outside school (HIK 60) more utilization of our training. Click here for more information.
Just a few examples among many:
- Eger Magic Tower Astronomical Museum assistant, Judith iron Tana has successfully increased its capital institutional links
- Esztergom Hungarian Environment and Water Museum collaborator Edit Bard County Museum Education Workshop has launched niche professional meetings in Komárom-Esztergom County
Schools and Museums Partnership completing successful museum partnership projects of more teachers (30 IMPs) based on the training. Click here for more information.
Just a few examples among many:
- Mouse or prowl the footsteps of Prince Egerváry Elemer developed a collaborative plan to address the Tura kindergarten program and to the Royal Castle Museum,
- Let us archeologists! fruit package on museum education profession for coal Laszlo Black Elementary School and the Museum of Kaposvár Somogy cooperation
- Százrózsás horticulture. Matyós, treasures and traditions on the museum project Bükkábrány Arany János Primary School and Mezőkövesd Matyó Museum and Village Museum,
- 2012 is the year of the Leader of the Year Award Regional House of Hosszúhetény Village House leader Bakóné Poór earned Gabriella, who used the country house museum educational software package for the development of the knowledge gained IMP COURSE.
Learning fun, fun learning - the project method museum pedagogy made our selection on successfully accomplished projects. Click to read here.
The training taught utilized as:
- the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter
- Hódmezővásárhely John Towers Museum of Folk Art in the House
- the Bajor Gizi Actor Museum
"Do you understand ?! - I understand !? "- How to accept people with disabilities at fellow museums? How have they benefited from our training? For details, here read.
Some of the things some examples:
- Three employees of the Ludwig Museum participated in the training, their wheelchair access exhibitions have been developed, they launched the Integrated Family morning and five in the Integrated Ped.Kedd et.
- The Museum of Bihar Berettyóújfalu a monthly club organized for the visually impaired, and a temporary exhibition was created palpable.
- The Szolnok Damjanich Occupation Museum launched a series for the visually and hearing impaired.